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七年级英语Integrated skills教案

浏览次数: 378次| 发布日期:06-12 12:56:32 | 七年级英语教案
标签:初中英语教案,牛津初中英语教案,初中英语教案范例,http://www.yf1234.com 七年级英语Integrated skills教案,

welcome  to  the  unit
Teaching aims and demands:
New words:ability , Superdog , fly , careful , collect elderly
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task: 1 to  revise  vocabulary  about  helping  people  in  the  community
            2 to  generate  ideas  about  ways  to  care  for  and  help  others
Teaching aids: tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
     一. Warm-up
      Talk  to  students  about  Superman . Guide  students  to  understand  the  meanings  of “can”  and  “can’t” .
    二 Main  task  
      1 Ask  for  suggestions  of  some  typical  ways  students  help  you , the  school  , the  community  and  others . Write  the  words ‘ everyday  hero’ on  the  board  and  then  brainstorm  situations  in  which  students  can  be  helpful .
     2 Ask  students  to  look  at  the  pictures  on  page73 . Explain  the  context . Check  understanding  of  the  words “ planting , clean  up , elderly “ . Then  ask  students  to  read  descriptions  a-f  and  de  the  task .
     3 Check  answers  with  the  class .
     4 Ask  students  to  look  at  the  pictures  and  statements  and  consider  how  often  they  engage  in  the  activities . ask  them  to  respond  using  the  words  “ regularly / sometimes / never “ . 
     5 Do  a  class  survey . then  fill  in  the  following  form .
activities always usually often sometimes never
Helping  old  men     
Planting  trees     
   三 Exercises :
  练习一Welcome  to  the  unit
1 Thank  you  for           (bring)  me  presents  and  cards .
2 He  is  a            (细心的)boy .

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七年级英语Integrated skills教案