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高二英语Lesson 85教案

浏览次数: 478次| 发布日期:06-12 13:20:08 | 高二英语教案
标签:人教版高二英语教案,高中英语教案,英语教案网,http://www.yf1234.com 高二英语Lesson 85教案,
Lesson 85

Lesson objectives:

1.Guide students to learn about the usage of auxiliaries used in identifying.

2.Make sure that students can make dialogues with the following patterns: You must have been …/ She can't have been …/ She may/might have done …/ You might have done …/ He couldn't have done … etc.

3.Train students' ability of observing things, and describing a certain situation in detail.

Teaching aids: a multi-media computer, a recorder, word cards, etc.

Teaching procedure:



Do a word game to review the words in Unit 21 and in this way, lead in some words in this lesson so as to see whether the students have previewed these new words.

Directions: Ask one student to come to the front. Let him/her explain the meaning of the word or phrase on the word card shown by the teacher. But the other students can't see the word card. They may guess it through his /her explanation. (He /She can explain the word in language, through gestures or body languages, but he couldn't include any part of the word or phrase).

Words or phrases shown on the cards: wedding, generation, hammer, iron, hero, note, memory, familiar, single, tale, servant, revolutionary.


Ask the students to list some revolutions. Teacher can ask: Do you know any revolutionaries or wars in the world history? (Yes.) Can you name some of them?

The Ss may offer the answers like: the Anti-Japanese War, the American Revolution, the American Civil War, the French Revolution and even the Industrial Revolution.

Then teacher directs the Ss to say something about the French Revolution. When did it break out? (In 1789.) What was the cause of the revolution? (Some peasants and oppressed people ran into the Bastille.) Did they win the revolution? (Not exactly, but shook the foundation of the Monarchy 君主政权, also showed the strength of the Newly born Bourgeoisie 新兴资产阶级.)

It doesn't matter if the Ss cannot give proper answers to all the questions. Teacher may give them a few minutes for discussion, so that they can talk about it.

Teacher's conclusion: You see, not all the revolution can win in the end, but it must have some effect on the world. So was the French Revolution. And an English novelist wrote a story about this famous event、Do you know the novelist and the name of the book? (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities.)

Teacher may continue: Yes, the dialogue we are going to read just happened at such a time. It was between a revolutionary and his friend.

Step2.The body of the lesson


Get the Ss to look at the picture on the Page 55, SB, and say: Watch carefully and tell me what you can see in the picture. (A castle, a farmer on a cart, two soldiers… there are two feet on the cart.) What do you think was happening? (They must be the feet of the revolutionary./ He might be found by the soldiers./ He must be in the cart hiding from the soldiers, and he must succeed…)

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高二英语Lesson 85教案