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英语教案-unin 14 Roots-听力完形

浏览次数: 831次| 发布日期:06-12 13:21:35 | 高三英语教案
标签:人教版高三英语教案,高中英语教案,英语教案网,http://www.yf1234.com 英语教案-unin 14 Roots-听力完形,

  “What happened?    13  didn’t you shoot?” his father said in a controlled voice. The boy didn’t answer. His lips were trembling (发抖). “Because they were so   14  .” He said and burst into tears. He sat down, face buried in his hands and wept(哭泣) . All   15  of pleasing his father was gone. He had his chance and he had failed. For a moment his father was   16   . And then he said, “Let’s try again.” Jeremy didn’t lower his hands. “It’s no use, I can’t.”

  “Hurry, you’ll miss him. Here!” Gold metal touched Jeremy. He   17   up, unbelieving. His father was handing the camera to him, and said softly, “Quick!” Jeremy stood up and pressed his shutter release (快门) button in a flash. “I got him!” his face was bright.

  Jeremy saw that there was no disappointment in his father’s eyes,   18   pride and love. “I’ll always love shooting. But that doesn’t mean you   19   . Sometimes it takes as much courage not to do a thing as to do it.” He paused. “I think you could teach me how to operate that  20  .”

 1. A. hated  B. loved  C. hoped   D. known



2.A.a toy   B. a camera   C. a bike  D. a gun


3. A. join         B. praise    C. help     D. please

[解析] 自己不愿去,只是为了取悦父亲才去。   答案:D

英语教案-unin 14 Roots-听力完形由www.yf1234.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.yf1234.com

4. A. learn        B. show     C. feel     D. ease

[解析]Jeremy之所以不愿打猎主要是有恐惧感。  答案:D

5. A. rest        B. breath     C. picture    D. care

[解析]take a picture of为……拍照   答案:C

6.A. lasting      B. waiting    C. looking     D. asking  答案:B

7. A. word       B. gun       C. chance     D. fact

[解析]下命令,指示怎么做。  答案:A

8.A. wildly B. widely  C. tightly   D. nervously   答案:A

9.A. warm       B. excite     C. delay     D. obey

 [解析]不由自主地听从。  答案:D

10.A. rule       B. road       C. way      D. path

[解析]the way 方式状语,前面可省略介词in。   答案:C

11. A. between      B. by    C. beside      D. beyond   答案:A

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