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unin15 Study skills 上课

浏览次数: 607次| 发布日期:06-12 13:24:51 | 高三英语教案
标签:人教版高三英语教案,高中英语教案,英语教案网,http://www.yf1234.com unin15 Study skills 上课,
Lesson 57 教学设计方案


I). Main facts

  Find out the right topic sentence for each paragraph.

  Paragraph 1 _____       Paragraph 2 _____

  Paragraph 3 _____       Paragraph 4 _____

  Paragraph 5 _____       Paragraph 6 _____

II). Further reading

1. Which is the most important tip the author wants to give us in the passage?

  A. Three ways of reading.

  B. Enjoy our reading.

  C. How to decide what to read.

  D. How to guess the unknown words.

2. “It's enough to dip into it and read bits here and there.” The underlined phrase in the above sentence can be replaced by ______.

  A. put into           B. taste

  C. swallow           D. chew and digest

3. When corning across a new word in reading, we_______.

  A. should never turn to a dictionary for help

  B. have to guess its exact meaning from the context (上下文)

  C. can get some hints (提示) from the situation and repeated examples in the text

  D. needn't pay any attention to it

4. The following tips EXCEPT _________ can help you decide whether a book is worth chewing and digesting.

  A. to make sure the book is the one you can easily read and understand

  B. to get an idea of the organization of the book

  C. to read the first few chapters very slowly and Carefully

  D. to see whether the book will interest you or  not

5. “But not all the stories belong to this class.” The underlined word in the above sentence has the same meaning as the one in “_________”

  A. I have been twice at the French class at Morris’s.

  B. All matter can be divided into 3 classes: compounds, mixtures and elements.

  C. He has a prejudice (偏见) against the English middle class.

  D. Are you in the first-year class or the second-year class?

6. An interesting magazine, which you may read in a doctor's waiting room, belongs to the books for ________.

  A. swallowing               B. tasting

  C. chewing and digesting       D. A & B

7. Which of the following is WRONG?

  A. Our hobbies can sometimes help to decide what to read.

  B. It is suggested in the passage that we should use a dictionary when necessary.

  C. If you chew and digest a book, it just means that you read it very slowly.

  D. Reading cannot only help to improve our English but also enlarge our knowledge.


1. B  2. B  3. C   4. C   5. B   6. D   7. C

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