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高一英语English is changing教案

浏览次数: 368次| 发布日期:06-12 13:18:37 | 高一英语教案
标签:人教版高一英语教案,高中英语教案,英语教案网,http://www.yf1234.com 高一英语English is changing教案,
3. “专家”为“病人”诊断,并为“病人”提出建议,如“根据构词法记单词”,“根据连接词理解文章”。I suggest that you should memorize new words according to the word formation.
4. “专家”与“病人”把整个看病过程通过小品形式想全班展示,教师做点评。

[链接5] 英语智力竞赛的操作建议。
1. 教师把同学分成小组,每组一名同学做代表参加比赛,其他同学做后援团。
2. 参赛者抽取必答题回答,或者选择抢答题回答,得分最高的小组获胜。
3. 题目可由教师实现出好,也可由后援团的同学出题目来考其他小组同学。
例:A policeman saw a thief stealing on the bus. The policeman said only four letters, but those four letters frighten the thief. What are the four letters?
(answer : OICU. Because it has the same pronunciation as “Oh, I see you.”)
例:A man was meeting his friend at the airport. When he saw his friend, he called his name. But that brought about the police coming and arresting him. What is his friend’s name?
(answer: Jack. Because he called, “Hi, Jack.” hijack是劫机的意思。)
例:Why are fish the cleverest animals in the world?
(answer: Because they live in the school. “一群鱼”称为a school of fish。)
例:Why isn’t the bride happy on her wedding day?
    (answer: Because the bridegroom is not the best man. best man是指婚礼上的伴郎。)

[链接6] 阅读技巧训练实例
Are Monkeys Left-Or Right-handed?
Are you left-handed or right-handed?For years, many scientists have thought that the idea of using one hand to perform most tasks, such as writing or eating or catching a ball, was distinctly a
(1)                                     (2)
human characteristic.
Now researchers are finding that some primates, a group of animals that includes monkeys,
chimps, and gorillas, may favor one hand over the other. In the experiments with 18 squirrel monkeys, U.S. psychologists Dr. James King and Virginia Landau found that the monkeys
preferred to use their left hands when trying to catch goldfish in a pool.
In another experiment by Dr. Jeannette Ward of Memphis State University, lemurs consistently used one hand to retrieve food tossed into water.

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高一英语English is changing教案