

浏览次数: 497次| 发布日期:04-13 05:22:50 | 教师评语
标签:指导教师评语,实习指导教师评语,http://www.yf1234.com 中小学教师评语的有效性问题研究,

石 丽 0139147
(天津师范大学教育科学学院 教育学专业01本科)
指导教师: 张广君
Abstract: Comment education circle term appraise one that student display at school comparatively direct traditional method for many years. The ones that reformed were deepened constantly with new course, the method of the traditional comment manifests their a great deal of drawbacks gradually, its validity is queried by numerous knowledgeable people of education circle too. We think , the category of the comment is not merely confined to our narrowly-defined behaviour and conduct comments of the end of term understood in the past, the comment has already assumed the air of and become the ubiquitous baton while nowadays exchanging between teachers and students, its meaning not merely stays and offers students that parents appear to behave at school at the end of term too. How appropriate, use comment , concern new course reform quality-oriented education , affective education , method encouraged to use promote student person who grow up numerous issue of effectively. Want through change idea of appraising , reform comment content structure , raise teacher quality in many aspects to is it raise to validity , students in middle and primary schools of comment to make great efforts, give play to its to educate functions of people positively , promote the new course reform.
Key Word: comment;validity;reform
教师是学生心中的"权威人物",黑格尔也曾说教师"是儿童心中最神圣的偶像".苏霍姆林斯基曾在《给教师的建议》中指出:"教师的语言修养在极大的程度上决定着学生在课堂上的脑力劳动的效率."于漪也曾这样说过:"教师的语言要深于传情,语言不是无情物,情是教育的根." [1]这些都说明教师的语言,特别是评价语言对学生成长产生深远的影响.学生都有向师性,都渴望从教师那里得到指导信息,了解教师对自己的态度和期望.教师对学生的评价语言,就在其中充当了不可替代的重要媒介.
关于教师对学生评价效果的研究,曾引起众多学者的关注与重视.自1968年美国著名心理学家罗森塔尔和雅克布森所作的"皮格马利翁效应"的著名实验问世以来,类似的评价效应研究已超过400个.一项抽样调查表明,约有64%的学生反映教师有偏爱现象,评价不公正;约有66%的学生反映教师评价多指责,少鼓励;约有21%的学生反映教师评定伴有呵斥厌烦的表现.另有上海市一项关于师生关系现状的调查报告,有60%的教师自认为是热爱关怀学生的,但只有5.61%的学生感受到教师的爱与关怀,有94.39%的学生未感受到教师的爱与关怀.[2]这都表明教师的善良心愿未能产生良好的效应,这是可悲而又可怕的事实.为何学生对教师的爱与关怀感受不到呢 教师的评价语言与评价策略不当,事与愿违,未能产生积极效应,是重要原因之一.

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